Monday, December 20, 2010

I Did it!

So I finally managed to setup a Blog. I know I'm probably a little behind the times, But it's done. I want this blog to be a way for me to share my thoughts and stories with my friends, family and supporters. I walked the Susan G. Komen 3-day for a Cure 2010 in Boston. It was my 1st walk ever and I decided to take on 60 miles in 3 days and raise $2,300.  My mom was diagnosed in July of 2009 and was lucky enough to have caught it early. She opted to have a Lumpectomy along with chemo and radiation. She is currently in remission and we are hoping it will not return. She was my reason for starting this walk, this journey and discovering my purpose.
 My mother was the reason for starting this, you are the reason I will continue to do it. If your here because you know me then you know, I'm from Hawaii. I currently live in Massachusetts with my family. I have yet to see my mom since her diagnoses. I thought that this would be my way to fight with her as she went through her treatments. Since we were so far apart from each other. She did chemo and I did fundraising. Neither one of us are good at asking for help, but knew we needed to.
 So as I got more and more involved with my fundraising, meeting new people hearing their stories, my purpose had new meaning.
 I was now more determined than ever that I will to do this walk as long as I am able to. So that hopefully my children and future grandchildren will never have to walk because breast cancer will be a thing of the past.

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